MARC tag | Subfield | Description | Examples |
034 | d | longitude | -87.601439 |
f | lattitude | 41.792429 | |
035 | 9 | GRID | |
a | GRID identifier | grid.1010.0 | |
043 | t | time zone | -06 |
110 | a | official organization name (acronym in brackets) | University of Chicago |
b | official department name (acronym in brackets) | Enrico Fermi Institute | |
t | newICN | U. Chicago, EFI | |
u | ICN | Chicago U., EFI | |
371 | a | address | 5640 S. Ellis Ave., RI-183 Chicago, IL 60637 |
b | city in English | Chicago | |
c | state/province | Illinois | |
d | country | USA | |
e | postal code (without country code) | 60637 | |
g | country code | US | |
372 | a | type of institution (University/Research center/Company) | University |
410 | a | public name variants | Chicago Univ |
g | hidden name variants | The Enrico Fermi Institute for Nuclear Studies | |
510 | 0 | recid of related institute | 0946080 |
a | newICN of related institute | U. Chicago | |
w | relation: a predecessor, b successor, t parent institute, r other | t | |
i | description of relation if $$w=r | ||
667 | a | nonpublic note | |
680 | i | public note | |
8564 | u | url | |
980 | a | CORE/NONCORE | |
980 | a | INSTITUTION |