The vast majority of HEP records include authors and/or other people associated with the record.
Information about the first author goes in the 100 field. Additional authors go in separate 700 fields (one for each additional author).
Subfield ‘a’ should hold the authors name, in the format Family Name(s), Given Name(s). Make sure that all parts of the family name come before the comma. If the paper includes initials instead of given names, each initial should end with a period and there should be no space between initials.
Many Asian names, including those of authors from China, Korea, and Japan, may be locally formatted as Familyname Givenname(s) rather than the Western format of Givenname(s) Familyname(s). Make sure you are putting the names in the correct order in the INSPIRE record. One tip is that most Chinese and Korean family names are represented by one character or syllable, while first names often contain two characters or syllables. Additionally, some publications from Asia may type authors’ family names in all capitals. This does not always hold true, but may help you identify which order the names should go in.
For authors that have a single name, just their name should go in the ‘a’ field. You may run across some records in which single name authors have a comma after their name, but this is a legacy from a previous system.
100__a:Higgs, Peter W.100__a:Higgs, P.W.700__a:Gonzalez Caballero, Isidro700__a:Gomez Ros, José María700__a:Zhang, Tianmeng
700__a:Ye, Xing-Chen
100__a:Lee, Hyun Kyu
You can use the Authorlist tool to convert author strings to MARC:
If the paper is CORE, affiliations should be curated as well. The affiliations can be found on the publisher’s website or in the full text of the paper. These go in the ‘u’ subfield and are standardized short forms (ICN), which you can find in the Institutions database.
Catalogers can curate affiliations by hand if there are around 20 authors or fewer on the paper. If you start typing in an empty ‘u’ subfield that’s already in the record, Autocomplete will create a drop down menu of possible affiliations. This works best if you type the city of the institution or an acronym. You can also use the Affiliation guesser to automatically fill all ‘u’ subfields with guessed affiliations, but be sure to double check that these guesses are correct before submitting the record. The affiliation guesser adds affiliations even where an author already has one, so you’ll have to delete these duplicates.
If a paper has more than 20 authors, catalogers should not curate the affiliations by hand. If there are no affiliations or very few affiliations, skip the authors and curate the rest of the paper as normal. Then create an RT ticket for the AUTHORS_long_list queue. If all the authors have affiliations, skip the authors and finish curating the rest of the record. Don’t create an RT ticket for the AUTHORS_long_list queue. Papers from large experiments (especially LHC experiments) should not be added to the AUTHORS_long_list queue, and the authors should not be curated by hand. These papers include a file that contains the curated author list.
Some older papers have author affiliations listed in separate 700 fields. Move these into a single 700 field with the author’s name.
INSPIRE-IDs go in the ‘i’ subfield, and other identifiers (ORCID, JACOW, etc.) go in the ‘j’ subfield. These are often automatically added on ingestion, so don’t worry about adding them.
Some ingested papers have affiliation addresses in the ‘v’ subfield. Again, don’t worry about adding or deleting these.
If emails in the fulltext of the paper or on the publisher’s website and are easy to copy, paste them in the ‘m’ subfield for the corresponding authors. These can be used to uniquely identify authors and match them with their INSPIRE-IDs. If they are too difficult to copy and paste, don’t bother adding them.
Open the record in Bibedit and display the authors.
Use the Affiliation guesser.
Open the fulltext to check that the affiliations are correct.
If the Affiliation guesser doesn’t work, start typing the city of the institution in the ‘u’ subfield.
Auto complete also works in new ‘u’ subfields.
If you have trouble using auto complete, search for the institution in the Institutions database. The ICN is located before the brackets.
If there is no record for the affiliation, send an email to cleggm1 [at] fnal . gov to have one added.
Affiliation identifiers
GRID identifiers for affiliations are added to $$t, with GRID: before the identifier (e.g. GRID:grid.7683.a). This are usually added automatically.
This paper has emails for the authors listed on the first page of the pdf.
You can easily copy this emails by right clicking them and choosing ‘Copy Email Address’.
Paste the email addresses in the ‘m’ subfields.
INSPIRE-IDs go in the 100__i and 700__i subfields. These are added automatically through author XML files and by converting emails with a look-up to the HEPNames database. Don’t touch these unless you see a problem you need to fix (such as multiple authors with the same ID or IDs with more or fewer than 8 digits).
If the authors have included their ORCID iDs and it is easy to tell which ID matches which author, add these to the ‘j’ subfields. This subfield can hold a variety of outside identifiers, so be sure to paste the ID in the format ORCID:0000-0000-0000-0000.
Since ORCID is still relatively new, there is currently no standardized way of including an ORCID in a pdf.
Format editors the same as authors in the 100 and 700 fields, but include 100(700)__e:ed.
Thesis advisors go in the 701 field, with each advisor in their own field. They are formatted the same as authors, with Familyname, Firstname in the ‘a’ subfield and standardized affiliation in the ‘u’ subfield. You can often find information on advisors on the first page of a thesis or in the acknowledgements section.
If the fulltext or publisher’s website explicitly indicates that the paper was written by or on behalf of a collaboration, the collaboration name goes in 710__g. You can find the collaboration name by searching for the associated experiment in the Experiments database. The experiment record should include the collaboration name as a link near the bottom of the record that leads to a search in HEP for papers written by the collaboration. It will often be shorter and more human readable than the experiment number. For example, ATLAS is the collaboration associated with CERN-LHC-ATLAS. NOvA is the collaboration associated with FNAL-E-0929.
Corporate authors
If the paper lists a corporate author rather than human authors, put this information in 110__a. This sometimes happens on proceedings that include an insitution rather than editors, or on papers by large collaborations that don’t include an author list.
What about new affiliation?