If a paper has an erratum, addendum, or corrigendum, the DOI and publication information of this supplement should be included in the record of the associated paper. This metadata belongs in separate MARC fields from the original metadata, with 0247_ $$qErratum and 773__ $$mErratum (or Addendum/Corrigendum) to distinguish which metadata […]
Uploading Fulltext
There are two methods of uploading fulltext to INSPIRE, depending on whether the fulltext is from a file on your computer or from a web link. Uploading a file from a computer – File Manager If you are uploading a file from your computer, use the File Manager, which can […]
Data: metadata usage and workflow
Currently there is no tab in INSPIRE that leads to the Data collection, but you can access it here. In the new version of INSPIRE, (now under testing at Labs), the Data collection will be as easily accessible as the other collections. See the metadata table for specific MARC tags […]
Data: metadata table
MARC tag Subfield Description Examples 0247 2 Content tag DOI a DOI 10.15484/milc.asqtad.en05b/1178157 100 a First author family name, given name u Affiliation m Email 245 a Title Lattice QCD gauge ensemble: USQCD/MILC/asqtad/2064f21b676m007m050b 9 Title source (if applicable) OSTI 269 c Date of appearance yyyy-mm-dd 336 t Data type Dataset […]
HEP: What does “refereed” mean in INSPIRE?
In INSPIRE, “refereed” means the article has appeared in a major, refereed journal and presents new results. A more detailed explanation is here. Conference papers are generally not considered “refereed”. A few journals always have either document type:conference paper or the toggle on for Refereed Journals that are always considered […]
HEP: Book chapters
Records for book chapters should be created if the chapters are self-contained, often written by different authors. Monographs should not be split into individual chapters. If you create a book chapter record, make sure that there is also a corresponding book record. If the individual chapter has a DOI or […]
HEP: Books/Monographs
All Book/Monograph records should include 980__a:HEP and 980__a:Book. Books and Monographs are cataloged similar to proceedings. If a book has separate self-contained chapters, often written by different authors, create records for the chapters. Monographs should not be split into individual chapters. If the item has an ISBN, add this […]
DOIs and HDLs
DOIs and HDLs are persistent identifiers for digital objects. If a paper/dataset has a DOI or an HDL (handle) this information goes in the 0247 field, with the identifier type in the ‘2’ subfield and the identifier string in the ‘a’ subfield. The source of the DOI is automatically added […]
Open Access/Creative Commons Information
If a paper is Open access/has a Creative Commons license, this information should go in the 540__a field. Subfield ‘a’ contains the CC license code (with dashes, e.g. CC-BY), and if there is a special non-CC license, put a link to this in subfield ‘u’. You’ll be able to identify […]
HEP: Thesis metadata table
MARC tag Subfield Description Examples 020 a ISBN (without dashes) b Format Print/Online 0247 a DOI 2 10.1103/example.doi.for.inspire 037 a report number FERMILAB-THESIS-2015-24 041 a language if not in English French 100 a author (Familyname, Firstname) m Email u Affiliation ICN Standford U. j Outside identifiers ORCID:0000-0000-0000-0000 210 a title […]