When adding a new theses, use the Thesis template in Bibedit. See the thesis metadata table for a full list of MARC fields that can be used. Follow the usual conventions for author names. Theses should only have one author. Advisors are listed in 701 fields. Also follow the usual […]
RT: language settings
To change the language of RT, go to “Logged in as ______” -> “Settings” -> “About me”. Language preferences are in a drop down menu under ‘Identity’. Choose the language you want to use, then click ‘Save Preferences’.
RT: spam
If you notice spam in any of the queues in RT, open the ticket and click the ‘S’ in the menu in the upper right of the page. This will mark the ticket as spam and automatically remove it from the queue. If you accidentally mark a ticket as spam, […]
RT: notifications
how to get notified about any ticket changes in a specific queue [to do]
RT: RSS feeds
You can create an RSS feed by hovering over ‘Feeds’ in the top right of the page and clicking ‘RSS’
RT: exporting tables
You can export RT search results as a Microsoft Excel table. Hover over ‘Feeds’ in the top right of the page and click ‘XLS’.
RT: searching tickets
You can do a simple search for tickets in the textbox in the upper right of any page. Hit ‘Enter’ to search. This works well when searching for specific ticket numbers or subjects. For more complex searches, hover over ‘Search’, ‘Tickets’, and click ‘New Search’ in the upper left of […]
RT: standardized responses (articles)
Besides viewing them by adding them to a message, you can also view the standardized responses by clicking ‘Articles’ at the top of RT. Then click ‘INSPIRE Responses’. Here you’ll see a list of all the standardized responses available in RT for INSPIRE. Click any of them to view them […]
RT: moving tickets in queues and assigning owners
You can assign tickets to different owners and move them to different queues. Inside the ticket, look for the ‘Quick Update’ tab under ‘Ticket Metadata’. Choose the new owner and queue from the drop down menus. Click ‘Save’ to save your changes.
RT: inside a ticket, resolving and replying
To open a ticket, click either the ticket number or the subject. At the top of the page you’ll see a lot of information about the ticket that may or may not be relevant to you. You can hide all this by clicking the arrow next to ‘Ticket metadata’. You […]