The queue menu shows how many new, open, and stalled tickets are in each queue. You can click the name of a queue to see all tickets in that queue, or click one of the numbers to see tickets from that status in the queue. Inside the queue the tickets […]
RT: customizing the homepage
The front page of RT is customizable. Click the ‘Edit’ link in the upper right corner of the page to change what menus are displayed. Choose the menu(s) you want displayed in either the main body or sidebar and then click the arrow pointing to the right. This will add […]
Multi-record editor
Multiedit allows you to make the same changes to multiple records at once. Instead of manually manipulating fields as in Bibedit, you specify fields and subfields to add, update in whole, update in part, or delete. You can perform any search in Multiedit that you could in each INSPIRE collection. […]
HEP: published submissions
If a user submits a paper that’s been published in a journal, first check whether the paper fits within our collection policy. If not, reject the paper with a standard reply pointing the submitter to this policy. If the paper is something we would want, check if it’s from a […]
Related records
The HEP, Institutions, Experiments, Journals, and Conferences databases all have MARC tags to connect related records. These are often superceded and superseding records, or parent institutes in the case of institutions. HEP In HEP the general way to connect related records is by using the 78… fields: Superseded record 78002 r […]
Titles with math symbols and/or Greek letters should be written using LaTeX in order to display properly. Click the preview icon in Bibedit to see how the LaTeX will be displayed in the record. The preview when you submit the record only shows exactly what you’ve written in 245__a, not […]
HEP: title curation
General title curation The title of a paper or book in HEP goes in 245__a. As a general rule, only the first letter of the first word of the title is capitalized, along with any proper names or acronyms. If hyphens are used in the title, only use a single […]
HEP: author curation
The vast majority of HEP records include authors and/or other people associated with the record. Authors Information about the first author goes in the 100 field. Additional authors go in separate 700 fields (one for each additional author). Subfield ‘a’ should hold the authors name, in the format Family Name(s), […]
HEP: Conference paper workflow and metadata
Conference papers are contributions written for a conference or based on a talk at a conference. They may be collected into proceedings with other papers from the same conference, or they may be made public individually by an author or institution. Conference papers are not considered ‘published’ . Often there […]
HEP: Proceedings metadata table
MARC tag Subfield Description Examples 020 a ISBN (no hyphens) 9789290834106 b format Print 0247 2 Content tag DOI a doi 10.1103/example.doi 037 a report number KEK-PROCEEDINGS-97-24 041 a language (if not English) Spanish 100 a First author family name, given name e ed. u Affiliation Stanford U. m email […]