Affiliation guesser

If you’re curating a HEP record and need to add author affiliations, try using the affiliation guesser. In Bibedit, typing Ctrl+Shift+g will add guessed author affiliations to the 100__u and 700__u subfields in HEP records.

When an author’s name is added to a paper, it is connected to an author profile. The affiliation(s) presented as a guess are the latest one(s) known for that author (the newest paper).

If you want to force the guessing, you can delete all the ‘u’ subfields and press Ctrl+Shift+g

The affiliations guessed are marked in BibEdit with a warning sign and a yellow background. You’ll have to delete or change the ones that are incorrect, as otherwise they get added to the record when you click ‘Submit’.

It’s important to note that you still have to check the guessed affiliations against those listed in the paper. While the affiliation guesser does a pretty good job, it does make mistakes. If you submit the paper with the wrong affiliations for an author, the affiliation guesser will guess the same incorrect affiliation on the next paper by that author.

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