New conferences may come from conference submission, conference paper ingestion, or the content selection process.
When adding conference papers, create a corresponding conference record if there is none.
If you know where to find the proceedings, create a proceedings record as well. In case you know that no proceedings will be published, add a note in the conf record. If the ‘proceedings’ are only slides, provide a link with a note in the conference record rather than create a proceedings record.
Required fields include 111__a, c, d, and x, and 980__a:Conferences. Add any other information if it’s available.
Acronyms should be placed in 111__e rather than 111__a. If a conference series uses different acronyms (CEC/ICMC 95, CEC/ICMC 1999), standardize them and place variants in 711__b.
Check both in INSPIRE and outside to see if the conference is part of a series. If the conference is part of a series, add the series to 411__a and the number in the series to 411__n, if this is known. The series name must be standardized so that all records from the same series will be connected (not ICHEP12, ICHEP 2013, ICHEP ’14, etc.). Try using an acronym if you can, or use a shortened form of the series title. Check first to make sure there is no other series with that name in INSPIRE already.
If the conference is part of a series with proceedings and we don’t have conference papers from some of the proceedings/only have papers that were ingested from arXiv, create an Asana task including the CNUM and a link to the missing proceedings for selection.
Do not add the CNUM by hand. When you submit the record, the CNUM is automatically constructed from the first date of the conference Cyy-mm-dd. If there are multiple conferences starting on that date, a period and a number are appended to make it unique.
Make sure to connect all proceedings and conference papers with the CNUM of the conference record.