Experiments: metadata usage and workflow

New experiments

Add a record for the new experiment using the MARC fields here. Check the experiment’s website and/or contact the spokesperson for missing information.

The 119__a field will contain the experiment number/short form. Some laboratories, such as Fermilab, SLAC, and Brookhaven, label their experiments by number. You can find this at the experiment’s website. If this is the case, the experiment number will go in 119__a, the full name of the experiment will go in 245__a, and 710__g will contain the collaboration name, which may be the experiment number or experiment acronym. This information will also be on the experiment’s website or in papers by the collaboration.

For example, NOvA at Fermilab is listed accordingly:

245__a:NOvA: Numi off-axis Neutrino Appearance Experiment

If the experiment is an accelerator experiment, the short name in 119__a will begin with the acronym of the host institution, e.g. CERN-LHC-CMS or DESY-HERA-ZEUS. If it’s not an accelerator experiment, don’t include a reference to the host institution in the short form, e.g. DARKSIDE or ICECUBE.

If available include a link to the publication list on the experiment’s website in the 8564 field with $$yExternal publication list as the description.


Related experiments

Sometimes major upgrades result in a new collaboration and experiment. Check the experiment’s website to confirm that the new version is being called a different name, and if the collaboration contains different institutions. Contact the spokesperson for more information.

If this is actually a new experiment, create a new record in the Experiments database.

Include information on related experiments in the 510 fields, with the relationship in the $$b subfield. Update the previous experiment with the same information.


Experiment papers and authors

Find papers from the experiment in HEP and update the experiment field (693__e) with the experiment number. If the collaboration name is visible on the first page of the fulltext or indicates the paper was written ‘on be half of’ the collaboration, include the collaboration name in the 710__g field.

Acquire a list of collaboration members, preferably with email addresses and current affiliations from the experiment’s website or spokesperson. Use this list to tag authors in HEPNames with the experiment number in the 693__e field.

Contact the spokesperson to see if they’d be interested in using the Author Management System to generate author XML and TeX files. Here’s an example of a form letter:


Would you be interested in using the INSPIRE Author Management System to manage your authorlists for the _______ experiment?

The system can produce Author XML files and TeX files, and it makes adding and removing authors and affiliations from papers simple. When you use these files to submit papers to arXiv and publishers, INSPIRE can more easily assign authors to their correct profiles without extra manual curation.

I’ve included screenshots so you can see what it would look like. Please let me know if you’re interested and I’ll get started on setting you up. I’ll need a list of the experiment members, preferably including their email addresses and current affiliations.

Best regards,


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