Conference papers are contributions written for a conference or based on a talk at a conference. They may be collected into proceedings with other papers from the same conference, or they may be made public individually by an author or institution. Conference papers are not considered ‘published’ . Often there will be two separate records for a conference paper and a published version that expands on the topic and appears in a recognized peer review journal. See our policy on ‘published’ works.
When cataloguing a conference paper, first determine whether there is already a conference record and/or proceedings record in INSPIRE. If not, create these.
The CNUM of the conference goes in 773__w.
All conference paper records will include 980__a:HEP and 980__a:ConferencePaper
A DOI or HDL for the conference paper goes in 0247_a with 0247_2:DOI or 027_2:HDL. Don’t include the DOI for the entire proceedings.
Report numbers go in 037__a.
Curate authors, and if the record is CORE, curate affiliations.
The date the paper appeared goes in 269__c. If the paper has been published, that date goes in 260__c and 773__y. These dates are often different than year of the conference.
300__a contains the number of pages in the paper. Just use numbers (109).
Any public notes will go in 500__a, while internal notes can be added to 667__a.
520__a contains the abstract.
540__a contains CC License information and 540__u contains the url of the license.
65017a contains INSPIRE subject terms, with 650172:INSPIRE indicating the source.
If the paper is associated with an experiment, the standardized short form of the experiment’s name goes in 693__e. You can find this by searching the Experiments database. If it was written by a collaboration or on behalf of a collaboration (this will be explicitly indicated in the fulltext of the paper), write the collaboration name in 710__g. This can also be found in the Experiments database, in a link leading to other papers by the collaboration.
773 contains journal information if the paper appears in a journal/proceedings. See the metadata table for specifics. If the proceedings record has a report number, include this in 773__r. If the conference has a well known acronym, the acronym can go in 773__q.
If the paper does not contain a DOI or link to arXiv, add a link to the paper’s splash page in the proceedings or journal in which it appears to 8564_u with a description of the link (e.g. U. Cambridge Server) in 8564_y. Do this even if you are able to upload the fulltext. The link should be (reasonably) stable, and so should not point to a pdf.
If you have access to a fulltext version of the paper and have the rights to upload it, add the link to the FFT field. If instead of a link you have a copy of the fulltext on your computer, you can upload it using File Manager after you’ve submitted the record. Further instructions can be found here.
If the paper has an arXiv eprint number, doi or pubnote in the 773 field (journal short form, volume number, page number/ID), it can be marked 980:Citeable.