MARC tag | Subfield | Description | Examples |
020 | a | ISBN (no hyphens) | 9789290834106 |
b | format | ||
0247 | 2 | Content tag | DOI |
a | doi | 10.1103/example.doi | |
037 | a | report number | KEK-PROCEEDINGS-97-24 |
041 | a | language (if not English) | Spanish |
100 | a | First author family name, given name | |
e | ed. | ||
u | Affiliation | Stanford U. | |
m | |||
j | Outside identifiers | ORCID:0000-0000-0000-0000 | |
210 | a | title variation (extra words/phrasings) | XXXV |
242 | a | translated English title | |
b | translated English subtitle | ||
245 | a | Proceedings, Title (acronym) | Proceedings, 35th International Conference on High energy physics (ICHEP 2010) |
b | City, Country, Month dd-dd, yyyy | Paris, France, July 22-28, 2010 | |
260 | a | place of publication | Singapore |
b | publisher | World Scientific | |
c | year or publication | 2014 | |
300 | a | number of pages | 109 |
490 | a | series | Subnuclear Series |
v | volume | 48 | |
520 | a | abstract | |
700 | a | additional author family name, given name | Doe, Jane |
e | editor tag | ed. | |
m | | ||
u | affiliation ICN | CERN | |
773 | c | pp.firstpage-lastpage | pp.1-153 |
n | issue | ||
p | journal | IAU Symp. | |
v | volume | 313 | |
w | CNUM | C14-09-15.13 | |
y | year | 2015 | |
8564 | u | url | |
y | link description | EPJ | |
980 | a | HEP | |
980 | a | Proceedings | |
980 | a | CORE/NONCORE |