MARC tag | Subfield | Description | Examples |
020 | a | ISBN (without dashes) | |
b | Format | Print/Online | |
0247 | a | DOI | |
2 | 10.1103/example.doi.for.inspire | ||
037 | a | report number | FERMILAB-THESIS-2015-24 |
041 | a | language if not in English | French |
100 | a | author (Familyname, Firstname) | |
m | |||
u | Affiliation ICN | Standford U. | |
j | Outside identifiers | ORCID:0000-0000-0000-0000 | |
210 | a | title variation – extra words/phrasings for title | |
242 | a | Translated title (in English, if fulltext is in a different language) | |
245 | a | Original title | |
246 | a | Foreign title (if fulltext in English) | |
300 | a | number of pages | 999 |
500 | a | Presented 99 Mon 9999 | Presented 21 Dec 2015 |
500 | a | public note | |
502 | b | degree type | PhD |
c | university ICN | Edinburgh U. | |
d | year | 2015 | |
520 | a | abstract | |
540 | a | terms of use, e.g CC License | CC BY |
u | url of file specifying access rights | ||
542 | f | copyright statement | |
u | url of copyright statement | ||
595 | a | hidden note | |
65017 | a | subject | |
2 | INSPIRE | Experiment-HEP | |
6531 | a | keyword | neutrinos |
9 | source tag | author | |
693 | e | experiment number | FNAL-E-0974 |
b | beamline | ||
695 | a | keyword (assigned by INSPIRE) | |
2 | INSPIRE | ||
701 | a | advisor familyname, firstname | |
u | Affiliation ICN | ||
8564 | u | external link | |
y | x server | U. Edinburgh Server | |
980 | a | HEP | |
980 | a | Thesis | |
FFT | a | link to fulltext for upload | |
d | Fulltext | ||