Journals are added when they appear on ingested papers and are referenced by HEP records, and occasionally when requested by users. First check that we don’t already have the journal in INSPIRE. In the Journals database, try fin t and some keywords from the journal name.
Before adding a journal, check the website and INSPIRE to see if it is credible. Good indicators include multiple citations in INSPIRE, respected authors publishing in the journal, or an indication that the journal is a predecessor or successor to one we already have.
Journal records should contain any available metadata listed in the table here. Check that each volume of the journal has a unique number. If the volume numbers repeat each year, make a note in the 677 field: “Volume number is constructed artificially from year and issue number, i.e. 9901 in order to make JVP unique”.
If the journal appears in Beall’s list, include a note for this in 595__a, including the year.
711__a contains the journals short name. This is the string that will be used to form pubnotes in the 773__p field of papers and the 999C5s field of citations. Check the Journals database to see how other journals containing the same words in their titles are abbreviated.
If the journal is related to another journal we already have, add this information in the 530 field, and edit the other journal’s record to include information on the new journal as well.
Be sure to create mappings for the journal to docextract-journals and JOURNALS in the Knowledge Base ( First check that the journal is not already listed in each KB, then map at least the full name and short name to the short name of the journal. Map any acronyms or alternate short names to the journal short name listed in the 711 field as well.