Field tag | Subfield | Description | Example |
022 | a | ISSN | 1234-4567 |
b | format | Online | |
030 | a | CODEN | |
065 | a | ADS code | ApJS |
2 | source | ADS | |
130 | a | full journal title | Astrophysics Journal Supplement |
530 | a | name of related journal | Mod.Instrum. |
0 | recid of related journal | 1385705 | |
w | type of relation (a predecessor, b successor, r otherwise related) | b | |
i | specify relation if $$w is r | ||
540 | a | OA tag, license | CC-BY-ND |
595 | a | Private hidden note (won’t appear in any format seen by users) | Beall’s list 2010 |
643 | b | publisher | Elsevier |
667 | a | Internal Note | |
677 | x | Internal handling | Volume number is constructed artificially from year and issue number, i.e. 9901 |
680 | i | Public Note | |
690 | a | Peer Review tag | Peer Review |
711 | a | journal short form | Phys.Rev. |
730 | a | title variants | PRD |
8564 | u | URL | |
980 | a | JOURNALS |