Titles with math symbols and/or Greek letters should be written using LaTeX in order to display properly. Click the preview icon in Bibedit to see how the LaTeX will be displayed in the record. The preview when you submit the record only shows exactly what you’ve written in 245__a, not how the LaTeX will actually be displayed.


LaTeX basics

$ Goes at beginning and end of a LaTeX formula $\nu_{\mu} \to \nu_e$ will display as latex7
\ Goes before a LaTeX command \pi will display as latex2
^ Symbol to create superscript B^0 will display asĀ latex1
_ Symbol to create subscript \nu_e will display as latex3
{} When multiple characters are used in a subscript or superscript, surround them with brackets W^{\pm} will display as latex4

Commonly used symbols

latex8 \times
latex9 \sqrt{x}
latex10 \pm
latex11 \mp
latex12 \rarr or \to
latex13 \overline{p} or \bar{p}


latex5 latex6

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