The HEP, Institutions, Experiments, Journals, and Conferences databases all have MARC tags to connect related records. These are often superceded and superseding records, or parent institutes in the case of institutions.
In HEP the general way to connect related records is by using the 78… fields:
Superseded record | 78002 | r
w z |
report number
recid ISBN |
Superseding record | 78502 | r
w z |
report number
recid ISBN |
Other related record | 78708 | r
w z i |
report number
recid ISBN description of relationship |
Currently this information isn’t displayed in the record, but we still want the metadata.
Proceedings and Conference Papers are connected to each other and their related Conference records using the CNUM in 773__w. The CNUM is automatically generated when a new Conference record is created.
Books and book chapters are connected using the recid in 773__0 or ISBN in 773__z
510 | 0
a w |
recid of related institute
newICN of related institute relation: a predecessor, b successor, t parent institute, r other |
U. Chicago t
The type of relation should just be added as a single letter code, e.g. 530__w:a
510 | a
0 w |
name of related experiment
recid of related experiment type of relation: ‘a’ predecessor, ‘b’ successor |
530 | a
0 w i |
name of related journal
recid of related journal type of relation (a predecessor, b successor, r otherwise related) specify relation if $$w is r |
Similar to Institutions and Experiments, but the metadata is added to the 530 tag rather than the 510 tag.
If the conference is part of a series, add the series name to 411__a and the number of the conference in the series to 411__n, if this is known. The series name must be standardized in INSPIRE, and often consists of an acronym, e.g. ICHEP. This will connect all conferences in a series.
Merged records
If records are merged in any collection, the recid of the deleted record will be automatically added to 981__a of the remaining record. This allows a search for the old recid to return the remaining record. TeXkeys and SPIRESTeXkeys must be